A crosswalk of a typical Roman road in the ancient city of Pompeii, Southern Italy
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Visit the Amazingly Well-Preserved city of Pompeii on a Day Trip from Rome

Are you planning a trip to Rome? Make sure to add a Rome to Pompeii day trip to your itinerary!

This easy day trip from Rome will show you the incredible ruins of ancient Rome that have been remarkably preserved. Once you arrive in Pompeii, you will be amazed by the well-preserved ruins that offer a glimpse into ancient Roman life. Explore the ancient streets, temples, and homes of a city that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption in 79 AD. The city was covered in ash and pumice from Mount Vesuvius. It was once a bustling and thriving place. Now, it is a historic site waiting to be discovered. Let me share our experience taking this Pompeii Trip from Rome with our family of 8.

Are you planning a trip to Rome? Make sure to add a Rome to Pompeii day trip to your itinerary! This easy day trip from Rome will allow you to see the incredible ruins of ancient Rome that have been remarkably preserved. Once you arrive in Pompeii, you will be amazed by the well-preserved ruins that offer a glimpse into ancient Roman life. Explore the ancient streets, temples, and homes of this once-vibrant city that was buried under ash and pumice when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. Let me share our experience taking this Pompeii Trip from Rome with our family of 8. 

Rome to Pompeii day trip

We did this Pompeii day tour from Rome as part of our family trip to Italy. If you haven’t been following along, here is what to see in Rome before you take your day trip. Pompeii is a quick and easy excursion from Rome that will give you the chance to witness an ancient Roman city that have been remarkably preserved over the years.

When you get to Pompeii, you will be amazed by the well-preserved ruins. These ruins offer a glimpse into ancient Roman life.  You’ll hardly believe a catastrophic erruption burried the town in 79 AD. Take a leisurely stroll through the ancient streets, visit the temples, and step inside the homes of this once-thriving city that was tragically buried under ash and pumice during the the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

I’ll never forget our unforgettable experience exploring Pompeii with my family of 8. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to immerse yourself in history while in Rome!

Pompeii is an ancient city located near modern-day Naples in Italy that was once a bustling Roman town. The Mount Vesuvius volcano erruption in 79 AD completely destroyed a bustling Roman city. The city was preserved under layers of volcanic ash and pumice, keeping it intact for more than 1,900 years. Today, Pompeii is a UNESCO World Heritage location and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Italy.

Visiting Pompeii is like stepping back in time to see how the ancient Romans lived. Discover the well-preserved ruins of temples, villas, and public buildings, and admire the detailed mosaics and frescoes on the walls. You can even see the haunting plaster casts of the victims of the eruption, frozen in time in their final moments. Pompeii shows us what life was like in ancient Rome. It’s a great place to visit for people who love history and archaeology.

Ancient ruins of Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii Tours from Rome

I think a Pompeii tour from Rome is a great idea so that you have transportation taken care of as well as a knowledgeable guide to make the visit more meaningful.  We decided to see Pompeii and the Amalfi coast in one day with this tour! So glad we got to see them both. Okay, let me get back to telling you about amazing Pompeii!

ruins of homes and businesses along the street of pompeii italy

What is Pompeii?

Pompeii is an ancient city located near modern-day Naples in Italy. It was a bustling Roman city that was completely destroyed in 79 AD by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The city was buried under layers of volcanic ash and pumice, preserving it in astonishing detail for over 1,900 years. Today, Pompeii is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Italy.

Visiting Pompeii is like stepping back in time to see how the ancient Romans lived. Explore the remarkably preserved ruins of temples, villas, and public buildings, and marvel at the intricate mosaics and frescoes that still adorn the walls. You can even see the haunting plaster casts of the victims of the eruption, frozen in time in their final moments. Pompeii offers a fascinating look into the daily life and culture of ancient Rome, making it a must-visit for history buffs and archaeological enthusiasts.

plaster case of woman in pompeii

Why is Pompeii so Well Preserved?

Pompeii is so well preserved because of the tragic event that took place there in 79 AD. When Mount Vesuvius erupted, it covered the entire city in a thick layer of volcanic ash and pumice, effectively freezing it in time. This ash acted as a protective shield, keeping the buildings and artifacts of Pompeii intact for centuries. Additionally, the lack of air and moisture under the ash helped to prevent decay and deterioration.

Due to this unique preservation, Pompeii offers an unparalleled glimpse into ancient Roman life. Walking through the well-preserved streets, you can almost feel like you have been transported back in time. The intricate frescoes, the remains of buildings, and even the molds of bodies give us a hauntingly vivid picture of what life was like in this bustling city.

wander the remarkably well preserved coblestone streets of pompeii near naples italy

What to See in Pompeii

The famous Pompeii Archaeological Park, where you can explore ancient ruins, temples, and even the preserved bodies of the city’s former residents. The plaster casts of these victims offer a haunting glimpse into the past, frozen in time by the catastrophic eruption.

For a more in-depth look at Pompeii’s history, be sure to visit the Pompeii Archaeological Museum. Here, you can see artifacts and treasures recovered from the site, providing a deeper understanding of the city’s culture and daily life.

Don’t forget to stop by the Garden of the Fugitives, where you can see more plaster casts of victims attempting to flee the eruption. It’s a poignant reminder of the tragedy that struck Pompeii all those years ago.

The Temple of Isis is a Roman temple dedicated to the Egyptian goddess Isis. This small and almost intact temple was one of the first discoveries during the excavation of Pompeii in 1764.

What to Do in Pompeii

As you wander through the well-preserved streets, you’ll come across incredible sights such as the Forum, once the heart of civic and religious life in Pompeii, and the Temple of Apollo, dedicated to the Roman god of the sun.

two story building in pompeii was one of of 20 brothels in the city covered under ash
Don’t miss the House of the Vettii, a luxurious villa adorned with stunning frescoes, or the Lupanar, a brothel with explicit paintings that offer a glimpse into ancient Roman attitudes towards sex.  No more thinking our society has gotten so bad, it was bad before!

I won’t go into all the sorded details, but if you are interested in learning more about that aspect of Pompeii you can read more here.

pompeii bathhouse ruins

Bath House in Pompeii

Did you know that the ancient city of Pompeii had luxurious bath houses where residents could relax and unwind? The bath houses in Pompeii were not just places to bathe, but also social hubs where people could gather, socialize, and even conduct business. The walls were adorned with beautiful frescoes, marble statues, and intricate mosaics, creating a truly opulent atmosphere.

well preserved ceiling decorations of bath house in pompeii italy

Visitors to Pompeii today can still explore these amazing bath houses and get a glimpse into the daily lives of ancient Romans. It’s a fascinating experience to walk through the different rooms, from the frigidarium (cold room) to the caldarium (hot room), and imagine what it must have been like to soak in the thermal waters and enjoy a massage or beauty treatment.

stucco that survived mount vesuvius erruption

The bath houses of Pompeii are a testament to the advanced engineering and luxurious lifestyle of the ancient Romans. They are a must-see for anyone interested in history, architecture, or simply in awe of the wonders of the past. Plan your trip to Pompeii and step back in time to experience the splendor of the ancient bath houses.

remains of pompeii amphitheater, where gladiators once fought for their lives in front of cheering crowds.
And be sure to visit the amphitheater, where gladiators once fought for their lives in front of cheering crowds.

pompeii house ruins

Pompeii trip from rome

Did you know that in Pompeii, ancient Romans used a system of lead pipes for their water supply? These pipes were fitted together with such precision that the water flowed smoothly throughout the city. However, this advanced technology had a dark side – the lead caused health problems for the inhabitants of Pompeii. Studies have shown that lead poisoning may have been prevalent among the residents, contributing to their decline. Despite this, the engineering marvel of the lead pipes in Pompeii remains a fascinating aspect of the city’s history.

A crosswalk of a typical Roman road in the ancient city of Pompeii, Southern Italy

Pompeii day tour from rome

I think you can agree, the pictures speak for themselves. Pompeii is a must-visit historical site! I lvoe this picture of the empty city with Mt. Vesuvius looming in the background.

Intresting fact. See how the three stones are raised in the road above? It was the crosswalk. The inhabitants could cross the road without stepping in water or animal excriments on these stones!

Don’t miss the rest of our 7 day Family Trip to Italy here! Including:

Take a peak at what you will see on a Rome to Pompeii Day trip visiting amazingly well-preserved ancient Roman ruins buried by Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD!

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