Thanks for stopping by to learn a little bit out me, my family, and out traveling adventure. I hope it inspires you, equips you, and allows you to make preicous memories as you travel with your family!

Beth Gorden
I am so glad you came to visit my little corner of the world. I have a passion for traveling that has only grown stronger over the years! Perhaps my love of travel started because I flew before I could walk, or because I grew up as a missionary kid in Spain. I think it’s because there are so many beautiful amazing things to see around the world. From historical sites (I’m a history nerd) to beautiful scenery, wonders of the world to unique architecture from othe rcultures.
Even before tying the knot, I made it clear to my husband that I would happily live off Ramen noodles and pick up a side hustle to fund my adventures. Fast forward 23 years, and now we are exploring the globe with our six incredible kids. From all 7 continents to every Disney park, countless cruises, and epic road trips, the thrill of discovery never gets old. There are still so many wonders out there waiting to be explored! Join me as I share expert tips to plan the best vacation and create priceless memories with your family along the way.
My Family Travel Blog To Inspire And
Get You Motivated!
I know a lot of people get overwhelmed at the thought of traveling, let alone traveling with kids. We travel with kids from age 5-16, and two are special needs. I get it, there are a lot of details. But I promise it is worth it! Let me help you dream, plan, and organize so you and your kids can travel near and far – seeing beautiful, wonderful, and interesting things to grow you as a person and create priceless memories together as a family.
You don’t need any special skills or to be in the top 1% to make family travel happen. I search for deals, book cheap tickets, and have no problem going to a local grocery store to make a picnic for my family when we travel. There is always a way to travel extravagently, comfortably, on a budget, and super cheap. It does help that my husband works from home and that we homeschool. It allows us to travel at off-peak time and save a lot of $$. I will help you find deals and learn tricks to make travel happen!
Countries Visited
Days Traveling
Continents Visited
States Visited
A Little About Us
I grew up as a Missionary Kid (MK) in Madrid, Spain. I loved riding the metro by myself to explore and that our annual vacations were to other countries, since they were in our “backyard’. After college, I married my best friend and we began a life together. We enjoyed traveling together. I would call him at work and say, “Hey, can you get off next week?” Ummm why? “I found a great deal on an Alaskan cruise for $250/person. It’s 7 weeks on Holland of America and I have United miles so we can fly for free. Should I just book it 😉
Neither one of us had ever been camping, but I thought it sounded like fun to head to Yellowstone for a couple weeks. We literally bought a tent and sleeping bags and started driving the next morning. We figured things out. We were young and adventuresome. We even snuck in a fabulous 3 week trip backpacking through Europe. We only had the bags on our backs and my excel document with where/when we were going. It was a blast.
When our first son was born I was determined to not let kids change us. So we kept traveling. I quickly learned that traveling with children was very different, but I learned tips and tricks along the way.
By the time our 3rd child came along we were effecient travelers and seasoned parents. So despite her being colicy, things didn’t change too much. One of my favorite trips during those years was our Disney Transatlantic cruise – it was amazing and I highly recommend it!
Then things got a little more complicated, we felt God calling us to adopt from China. Several trips later we were now home to 6 kids, 2 with special needs. Traveling with a special needs kids who have both physical and mental limitations is challenging, but not insurmountable. So we adjusted again and took even more epic trips. I love traveling with our big family. I hope we inspire you to explore somewhere new. If we can travel, you can too!
Where is your favorite place to Travel
That is a complicated question…..but here is my best answer
I love traveling to Disney parks! I’ve been dozens and dozens of times, but I still enjoy it. It makes me feel happy and like a kid again. I don’ t have to plan (too much) and I get to be entertained, laugh, and play WITH my kids. Plus I’m a sucker for the matching shirts and cute princesses dresses!
There are so many advantages to cruising, especially if you have kids in tow. You sleep in the same bed and don’t have to think about what’s for dinner, but the boat moves to different ports so you still get to see new places. Plus there are amazing shows, yummy food, kids programs to give parents a break, and some fabulous deals to be had!
Perhaps because I grew up in Europe so it all feels familiar, or because I feel like between my English and Spanish I can understand what’s going on. Europe has such rich history, easily connected cities, I love visiting museums, castles, art museums, or seeing a play.
There is something so peaceful about watching crashing waves on the shoreline. I could sit and watch my kids build sandcastles and play all day. Then at night I love strolling along the shore and finding shells and other treasures. Mind you I prefer shoulder season when it isn’t too hot, I burn so easily.
I love hitting the open rode and driving somewhere, especially national parks. I love the flexibility that taking our car gives us, allowing me to pack everything I need or might need. The Grand Tetons, Grand Canyon, Arches State Park, and Acadia are some of my favorite places to camp (in a tent).
Anywhere New
I love seeing new things! Going to Asia and Africa are definetly out of my comfort zone as I can’t blend in or speak the language, but I grow as a person when I am out of my comfort zone. The unique sights, sounds, tastes, and smells are well worth the long flight! I’m already planning another trip to Africa for the near future.